Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off
Morse Code ©2024 Amy D
1st Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour facing away from the viewer looking off towards a large field with colorful tents and fireflies bustling about. It’s a bit darker out.
Narrator: Twilight in Edgeville finds our heroes taking in the annual firefly festival.
2nd Panel- A close up of Bug Boy’s head. He’s looking in another direction and looks worried.
Narrator: Suddenly,a certain glow catches Bug Boy’s eye.
3rd Panel- The bottom half of a firefly, it’s lit up.
Light speech bubble: • • • • • • - • • • - - • / - - • …
Narrator: Could this be a distress signal?
4th Panel- Bug Boy running off towards something, looking worried. Seymour is off in the background looking just as worried but is holding a half eaten cone of cotton candy.
Narrator: Would our hero really spring into action on his day off?
Final Panel- Bug Boy standing in front of one of the booths looking slightly annoyed, he’s holding out a jar towards a firefly standing in the booth.
Bug Boy: Next time you need a cup of honey, Sammy, just use the phone.