Weekly Strips

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off To the Moon / ©2024 Amy D / First Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour sitting on the sofa in the Bug Bungalow watching TV. Both of them are eating from what appear to be silver food pouches. Seymour is also...

Sep. 14th, 2024: To the Moon

This week: A history lesson?

Sep. 14th, 2024: To the Moon

This week: A history lesson?

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off Walk / ©2024 Amy D / First Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour walking down the street on the sidewalk. There are a couple trees and houses on the street, but not many. NarratorK We find our heroes on a quiet..

Sep. 7th, 2024: Walk

This week: Attention to "detail"

Sep. 7th, 2024: Walk

This week: Attention to "detail"

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off Channel Surfing / ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- A wide shot of a beach. There are bugs in the foreground laying on towels in the sand and another is building a sandcastle. In the water are several...

Aug. 31st, 2024: Channel Surfing

This week: Hang t̶e̶n̶ two shoes

Aug. 31st, 2024: Channel Surfing

This week: Hang t̶e̶n̶ two shoes

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off Taking Notes / ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy sitting on the couch watching TV. He has a clipboard and pencil in his hands. Seymour is standing next to him, leaning on the armrest of the couch...

Aug. 24th, 2024: Taking Notes

This week: There’s not going to be a test, is there?

Aug. 24th, 2024: Taking Notes

This week: There’s not going to be a test, is there?

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Snorkeling ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour wearing snorkels and goggles, swimming under the ocean. There are colorful coral beneath them, as well as what appears to be a sunken ship...

Aug. 17th, 2024: Snorkeling

This week: ♫ Under the sea ♫

Aug. 17th, 2024: Snorkeling

This week: ♫ Under the sea ♫

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Enterprise ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy, Seymour & Will out in the real world standing in front of a sign that reads ‘Downtown Enterprise Alabama”. All 3 are smiling and pointing at the sign..

Aug. 10th, 2024: Enterprise

This week: Wait, where?

Aug. 10th, 2024: Enterprise

This week: Wait, where?

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Wild West ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Extreme close ups of Bug Boy and Seymour’s eyes, they are in a split screen divided by a squiggly line. Bug Boy looks worried. Seymour seems to be wearing a...

Aug. 3rd, 2024: Wild West

This week: Reach for…the like button.

Aug. 3rd, 2024: Wild West

This week: Reach for…the like button.

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Christmas in July ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- The backyard of the Bug Bungalow. Seymour is in the foreground cooking something on the grill. Bug Boy is in the middle-ground at the picnic table, playing...

July 27th, 2024: Christmas in July

This week: Getting together and having a few laughs

July 27th, 2024: Christmas in July

This week: Getting together and having a few laughs

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Moth Week ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour outside hanging a giant sheet from a clothesline. There are wooden crates near them and Bug Boy is even standing on one to reach the top of the...

July 20th, 2024: Moth Week

This week- Moth Week is finally here!

July 20th, 2024: Moth Week

This week- Moth Week is finally here!

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Mac & Cheese ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy is sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of boxes of animal shaped macaroni & cheese laid out on a baking sheet. He seems to be...

July 13th, 2024: Mac & Cheese

This Week: And he calls THAT macaroni?

July 13th, 2024: Mac & Cheese

This Week: And he calls THAT macaroni?

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off / Gummy Shark Week ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour standing in the living room of the Bug Bungalow. Bug Boy is holding a large bowl of chips, Seymour is holding 2 blue bags, there are cup...

July 6th, 2024: Gummy Shark Week

This Week: The entire week off?!

July 6th, 2024: Gummy Shark Week

This Week: The entire week off?!

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off Checkup ‘24 / ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy sitting in a doctor’s office, looking slightly worried. Narrator: We find our hero back for his annual check-up. 2nd Panel- An ant doctor has walked...

June 29th, 2024: Checkup '24

This Week- Diagnosis: Murdered Joke

June 29th, 2024: Checkup '24

This Week- Diagnosis: Murdered Joke