Mar. 2nd, 2024: Leap Year

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off - Leap Year ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Outside at a running track, Bug Boy and Seymour are sitting in the bleachers. Seymour is eating Popcorn. Will is the foreground running across the panel. Bug Boy...

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off
Leap Year ©2024 Amy D

1st Panel- Outside at a running track, Bug Boy and Seymour are sitting in the bleachers. Seymour is eating Popcorn. Will is the foreground running across the panel.
Bug Boy: Will, are you excited for the Grasshopper Games?
Will: You bet! I missed out last time, so I've been preparing for 4 years.

2nd Panel- A close up of Bug Boy & Seymour on the bleachers, their eyes now looking towards the other side of the strip, following Will. Seymour is shoving more popcorn in his mouth, even while he’s talking.
Seymour: That long?
Bug Boy: The games are only held on Feb 29th.
Seymour: Really?

Final Panel- Will has run well past the bleachers and is now mid air attempting the long jump.
Will: Sure, why do you think they call it a leap year?

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