Mar. 16th, 2024: 50 Shades of Green

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off - 50 Shades of Green ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy is putting up green wallpaper in the living room. There are also 2 large green plants on either side of the couch. On the couch are green paper...

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off
50 Shades of Green ©2024 Amy D

1st Panel- Bug Boy is putting up green wallpaper in the living room. There are also 2 large green plants on either side of the couch. On the couch are green paper bags holding 2 paint rollers covered with green paint, a green scarf, and other unknown items. There are 3 paint cans on the couch as well with green paint dripping out. Seymour looks at everything in bewilderment.
Seymour: Holy chlorophyll, Bug Boy! What’s with all the green?
Bug Boy: St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow, I'm turning everything green.

2nd Panel- Bug Boy has grabbed a scarf from one of the bags on the couch and wrapped it around his neck. He’s now putting a pair of green shamrock deely bobbers on Seymour’s head.
Seymour: But you're green every day.
Bug Boy: I'm covering all the bases, I don't want to get pinched.

Final Panel- A close up of Seymour. It appears he’s on the other side of a pane of glass. He’s staring up and looking towards you.
Seymour: How else is everyone going to read this? They're all on their phones.

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