Feb. 3rd, 2024: Spring is Coming

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off - Spring is Coming ©2024 Amy D / 1st Panel- Bug Boy standing in front of the Bug Bungalow, waving at you. Narrator: How to predict when Spring will arrive with the help of our Superb Hero, Bug Boy...

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off
Spring is Coming ©2024 Amy D

1st Panel- Bug Boy standing in front of the Bug Bungalow, waving at you.
Narrator: How to predict when Spring will arrive with the help of our Superb Hero, Bug Boy.
Bug Boy: That’s me!

2nd Panel- Bug Boy, standing in a huge greenhouse smelling an orchid flower that’s attached to a plant taller than him with lots of flowers.
Narrator: If it's cloudy out, Bug Boy will try to beat the gloom by heading out to the botanical gardens for some greenery. This means Spring will arrive soon.

3rd Panel- Bug Boy standing in his kitchen in front of the stove, flipping a crêpe in the air with a frying pan. He’s also holding a gold coin in his left hand.
Narrator: If it's sunny out, Bug Boy will excitedly run back inside to make his favorite springtime food, crêpes. This means it will be weeks before Spring arrives.

Final Panel- Bug Boy lounging on the sofa, watching TV while sticking a fork into a plate full of crêpes sitting next to him.
Narrator: Of course, all this goes out the window if there’s something good on TV. Then you just gotta go with the groundhog.
Bug Boy: Shh, it’s back on.

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