Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero’s Best Friend on His Day Off
Bullitt ©2023 Amy D
1st Panel- Seymour snacking on a sandwich and a glass of milk.
Seymour: You ever feel like a green beetle keeps following us?
2nd Panel- Outside the Bug Bungalow with a line of bugs waiting at the front door, a green beetle is one of them.
Narrator: Sidekick Search Dec 10th, 2022
3rd Panel- Seymour dancing next to a green beetle that has a lampshade on its head.
Narrator: 21st Night of September Dance, 2023
4th Panel- Bug Boy in front of the Nature Scout Cookie booth, buying lots of cookies, a green beetle is behind him.
Narrator: Cookie Time Apr 15th, 2023
5th Panel- Seymour, Will, and a green beetle in an art class.
Narrator: Art Class Jan 28th 2023
Final Panel- Bug Boy snacking on shredded wheat cereal.
Bug Boy: That’s just Steve. He was an extra in Bullitt, so we hired him here.